Tag Archives: welcome


Hello, and welcome to Ink Blabber.  I fell in love with writing as soon as I learned how to write, and the addiction hasn’t stopped since.  I am a two time participant of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) and I also plan to participate in the first ever Camp NaNo later this summer.

My goal is to one day have a novel published, but I have a long way to go before that is even a glimmer in a publisher’s eye.  So here, I’ll hone my craft, and hopefully meet with other like-minded (Or even non like-minded) individuals to discuss books, movies, write my own reviews on different books I have recently read, write some articles on my own writing process, and hopefully share some of my own writings with you.

I hope to be able to update Ink Blabber every Monday and Friday.  Every Monday will be an article of some sort, whether it be a book/film review, an article on how my writing process, or even just an article that I have found in my own readings that I think others might find interesting.  Fridays will be the days where I share some of my own writings, which will include everything from short stories, to excepts from my NaNo novel, and hopefully a weekly, serialized story of some sort.

I look forward to writing with you all!

-The Ink Blabber